Anna Soibert

Anna Soibert (DE)

Anna Soibert

Actress, Musician and Teacher for Dramatic Combat
Anna graduated with a Master of Arts in acting from the Russian Academy of Theatre Art (GITIS/RATI), Moscow in 2003. She has performed in various theatre plays and films in Russia as well as in Germany.

In 2016 she graduated from the NSFS mentorprogramme (mentor: Peppe Östensson and Kristoffer Jørgensen). She is teaching dramatic combat on a regular basis at the acting school „Zerboni“ in Munich. She has choreographed the fights for several theatre shows and also worked on film productions.

Anna is a founding member of the German association Berufsverband Kampfchoreografie e.V. She is based in Bavaria, Germany.


Picture of a chubby person (viking) with a brown kilt, no shirt, horned helmet, brown full beard and an axe in hand. The person stands in front of a large yellow explosion effect. Text around the viking Nordic Stage Fight Society invites you to Stage Fight Summer Workshop in Hadeland, Norway



The Nordic Stage Fight Summer Workshop will be organized on 15.7.-27.7.2024 in Hadeland, Norway