National Organisations
The member organisations are autonomous entities that have chosen to enter a broader, Nordic/Baltic network of collaboration. They have their own boards, elected by their own general assemblies. The member organisation boards’ work include arranging workshops and/or provide training opportunities in their region, maintaining and developing communication with their members, the other member organisations and the NSFS board.
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The Estonian Stage Fight Society unites Estonian actors, choreographers, teachers and enthusiasts of stage fight in Estonia. One of the society’s main purposes is to support the growth of stage fighting as an art form and thereby enrich cultural life in Estonia.
Stage fighting is taught in the two main theater academies in Tallinn and Viljandi, and is considered an important acting tool.
Every winter break the society arranges a national Winter Workshop. At least one foreign guest teacher is invited to this workshop, to make sure there always is new input and inspiration flowing through the organization. This way, the continued exploration and interchanging ideas of what stage fight is as an art form is always a priority in Estonia.
The Estonian Stage Fight Society is currently working on internal restructuring of the organization, looking for possibilities on how to create a stronger framework for the society.
Stagefight Sweden is a non-profit organization with members from north to south, newcomers to founding members in all and any ages. Our main purpose is to create opportunities where one can learn stagefight whether it be for artistic purposes, a fun way of training or simply just for fun.
We strive to offer continous training and workshops for beginners as well as veterans. For more information on current activities, visit
Chairperson: Janya Cambronero Severin
Dramatic Combat Finland (DCF) is is the biggest professional group in Finland providing education in the field of dramatic violence and stunt work on stage or for film. DCF was founded in 2007 and has currently over one hundred members.
We organise workshops in dramatic violence and offer choreographic and performing services for professional theatre, dance and circus performers as well as amateurs and enthusiasts. Our educational activities consist of monthly Fight Sunday workshops, weekly training and specialised themed stage combat and stunt workshops led by local or international instructors. Most of the workshops take place in Helsinki but we also organise training opportunities in Turku, as well as other cities of Finland.
Currently DCF’s has two NSFS certified teachers: Oula Kitti and Iiro Heikkilä. We have five students in the NSFS mentorship programme: Neil Owens mentored by Peppe Östensson (Sweden), Henry Holopainen mentored by Iiro Heikkilä and Ville Seivo, Arvo Jean-Michael Saarinen and Anastasia Trizna mentored by Oula Kitti.
The chairperson since 2022 is Anastasia Trizna.
More info can be found on
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The Organisation for Film and Stage Fighters in Norway (OFFSCEN) is the Norwegian chapter of the Nordic Stage Fight Society (NSFS), with chapters in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Estonia.
Our main task is to hold courses and organize workshops in stage combat throughout Norway. The goal of these classes are to promote safe and believable combat on stage and screen. Our current class offerings include weekly classes in Oslo and Tromsø and workshops posted on our Facebook and Instagram pages throughout the year. Several of our teachers work extensively choreographing on stage and for film and run their own advanced training through separate companies.
OFFSCEN currently has seven active teachers: Huw William Reynolds, Johannes Eilertsen, Lasse Friborg, Inga-Live Kippersund, Anders Kippersund, Kristoffer Jørgensen, and Ine Camilla Bjørnsten. We also have a mentor student Helene Martinsen.
The chairperson since 2023 is Jess Jones-Gauslå
Film- og Scenekamp Danmark – Film- and Stage Combat Denmark (FSD) is the danish organization for stage combat. We are primarily found in area of greater Copenhagen but facilitate workshops all over the country.
We are working on expanding our workshop program to extend workshops catering to introductory- and advanced levels. But you always welcome to contact us if you could be interested in a workshop near you.
Chairperson: Marianne G. Petersen