Certified Teachers
Teachers are the backbone of Nordic Stage Fight Society.
A NSFS teacher is any individual who has successfully completed the NSFS teacher apprentice program, or before 2010 the NSFS teacher test and has showed and demonstrated an advanced level of skill in the performance of the stage combative arts and also proved a high level of professional teaching standards. A NSFS teacher may teach for the NSFS skills proficiency tests and preparation classes in the 9 weapon disciplines of the NSFS education system and is endorsed by the society to teach staged fight/combat. NSFS teachers have two statuses: active and non-active. The statuses are reviewed on a yearly basis on the basis of the teachers report.
The title of fight director is given by the executive committee, in recognition of professional work and extensive experience in the art of staged combat. A fight director is an overall capacity and authority on the various aspects of stage fighting – technique, art, pedagogy and history. The NSFS fight director title is something you need to apply for via the executive committee. A NSFS Fight Director is an individual who is endorsed by the NSFS to create fight choreographies for professional theatre and screen and has considerable experience working with actors, dancers, singers, directors, producers and other personnel at professional theatres and in movie productions. NSFS fight directors are from the ranks of our NSFS Certified Teachers and have demonstrated an ability to create quality work for stage and screen.